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December 18, 2019

Best way to get ready for the Holidays!

We’re excited to work with 3 (!) Indiana children’s hospitals to make sure that ALL the kids admitted over the holidays are sleeping on #sheetsfromhome!

As part of the preparations, we dropped off lots and lots of fun, comfy sheets at @lutheranhealth Children’s Hospital In Fort Wayne this morning (:  Let’s make a difference. Let’s #giveasheet!

#holidayspirit #bringingsmiles #bigimpact #MakingADifference #childhoodcancer Honda #BabyItsColdOutside Carmel Fire Department Ziploc WISH-TV ALL IN

December 05, 2019

Ronald McDonald House in Indy!

Glad to bring lots of color, cheer and a home-like feeling to the kiddos Staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Indy this December!!!

#giveasheet #bigimpact #childhoodcancer #sheetsfromhome Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) @RMHCCI

November 06, 2019

Disco Balls in Lousiville!

Louisville, KY is the disco balls reign. In fact, 90% of the disco balls in the USA are produced there! Most of the mirror balls are made by National Products on Baxter Ave. The company has been in the disco ball business for over 50 years! We crossed the Ohio river and visited Louisville (KY) earlier today.


We could't find any disco balls.... but we did deliver LOTS and LOTS of sheets to Norton Children's Hospital AND the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana - RMHCK!!


Norton Children’s Hospital’s cancer care program is one of the oldest oncology programs in the U.S. that has been continuously accredited by the American College of Surgeons’ Commission on Cancer. Backed by nearly 60 years of pediatric expertise, NCCI has a proven cancer care team that integrates the different disciplines of leading cancer specialists, including oncologists, surgeons, nurses, social workers, chaplains, behaviorists, therapists and pharmacists. This skilled, multidisciplinary team is entirely focused on the needs of the child and their family.


Top it off with the Ronald McDonald House which is built on the idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on their child’s recovery – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal, or where they will lay their head at night to rest. This House is just two blocks from Louisville’s downtown hospitals, including Norton Children’s Hospital.

#giveasheet #sheetsfromhome #bringingsmiles #childhoodcancer



November 04, 2019

We had a double header!

Today's delivery was extra-special as we brought smiles to kids in TWO hospitals!!  Establishing a new connection at the Children's Hospital University of Illinois and continuing our long friendship with the people of Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.

The Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at UI Health provides comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services to children and adolescents with cancer, leukemia, sickle cell disease, hemophilia, and other blood disorders. We had the pleasure of meeting their child-life specialists and delivering a 'special request' to some awesome kiddos!!!

We also visited our friends at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago where they are passionate about helping children become happy, healthy adults. It's our honor to take part of these kids journey and hopefully make it a little easier.

#GiveaSheet #Chicago #BringingSmiles #ChildhoodCancer 

October 28, 2019

Ronald McDonald House Charities - Central Indiana

The Ronald McDonald House is providing comfort, care, connections and services to families of sick and injured children receiving care at hospitals all over the world. Starting Monday, These kids will be able to feel even more like at home with our fun and colorful bed sheets!!

We are excited to become a part of the Roland McDonald House efforts and will be serving the families in Central Indiana with lots of smiles every month!! 

October 25, 2019

405 Miles, 6 hours and 30 minutes in the car, 1 Amazing donation drop off!

405 Miles 

6 hours and 30 minutes in the car....

1 Amazing donation drop off!


Starting TONIGHT,  60 more kids will be sleeping on Sheets From Home at OSF Children's Hospital of Illinois (Peoria, IL).  This s a full service children’s hospital that offers more than 140 specialists providing the highest level of care for newborns to young adults with common and complex medical conditions.   


We are proud and excited to #giveasheet at OSF Children's Hospital of Illinois too!

#BringingSmiles #Illinois #ChildhoodCancer 

October 14, 2019

Now serving Arizona's Urban Heart!

Phoenix is one of the few U.S. cities with franchises in all four major professional sports leagues: Phoenix Suns (NBA), Arizona Diamondbacks (MLB), Arizona Cardinals (NFL) and Arizona Coyotes (NHL).


Starting this week, Phoenix has SFH* too (:

This was possible thanks to the generous donation of the G. Berry Family foundation. With their help, we have added the Phoenix children's hospital to our current list of hospitals we serve on a regular basis. Our first round of sheets will help some awesome teenagers who are currently undergoing treatments there. We would like to send them  lots of strength and courage to keep fighting!!! 

#giveasheet #bringingsmiles #sheetsfromhome #phoenix #arizona

*Sheets From Home

July 25, 2019

Kids Cancer Alliance

We Love seeing kids having FUN and when the Kids Cancer Alliance reached out to us - we didn't hesitate to help! It's our honor and pleasure to support the Kids Cancer Alliance work with kids at camp this summer!

Kids Cancer Alliance offers a variety of camp and recreational activities year-around for children with cancer and their families. They are dedicated to providing once-in-a-lifetime experiences where children with cancer and their families can grow, learn, build friendships, and most importantly….have FUN just being kids!

#GiveaSheet #BringingSmiles #ChildhoodCancer #SheetsFromHome@KidsCancerAlliance

July 23, 2019

Sacred Heart Medical Group in FL

@SheetsFromHome had another successful delivery recently with Sacred Heart Medical Group in Pensacola, donating bed sheets for the children currently in their care. Thanks to ALL of those who have donated and supported us in continuing our mission!

Sacred Heart Medical Group Pensacola is the 566-bed Hospital that includes the region's only facility specializing in the care of children -- the Studer Family Children's Hospital at Sacred Heart.

Major regional services based in Pensacola also include the Regional Heart and Vascular Institute, the area's leading Stroke Center, a Level II Trauma Center, and a Cancer Center affiliated with MD Anderson Cancer Network. The hospital is affiliated with Sacred Heart Medical Group, a regional network of doctors and providers stretching from Gulf Shores, Alabama, to Apalachicola, Florida.

#GiveaSheet #BringingSmiles #SheetsFromHome@SacredHeartChildrensHospital

June 22, 2019

Busy month of June

June was an extra-busy month with multiple drop offs all over the country!

June 5 - C.S. Mott Children's Hospital in Michigan

June 18 - U Mass Memorial Children's Medial Center in Massachusetts

June 19 - Boston Children's Hospital in Massachusetts

                Peyton Manning Children's Hospital in Indiana

                Children's Hospital in Minnesota

June 20 - Norton Children's Hospital in Kentucky

We are forever grateful for all of our amazing volunteers!!! Thank you for brightening children's faces with us!

June 05, 2019

Giving the kids some control in the situation!

"...It is so wonderful what your group does. With kiddos being in the hospital so long and appointments and doctors coming in around the clock and on schedule it is wonderful to be able to give the kids some control in the situation. Its great seeing their eyes light up and their minds going back and forth on what sheets to pick to help brighten their room up. Thank you all so much for everything that your group does!" -  Kevin, Mott Community Relations

May 29, 2019

Bringing smiles at Lurie Children's Hospital

Lurie Children's Hospital (Chicago, IL) put kids and their families at the center of all they do — from before birth, through childhood and adolescence, and beyond. Because they're passionate about helping children become happy, healthy adults.


We are proud to support their work by bringing some comfort and a home-like feeling to their patients in the form of... sheets from home (:

This morning we donated another shipment of fun colorful sheet-sets to Lurie Children's Hospital. The hospital's volunteers jumped right on it and delivered our gifts to the kids!!!


#GiveaSheet #BringingSmiles #SheetsFromHome 

May 28, 2019

Duke Children's - A hospital within a hospital

Duke Children’s Hospital & Health Center is ranked among the top children’s hospitals nationally in nine specialties by U.S. News & World Report and provides care for thousands of patients annually. Duke Children’s Hospital is a self-contained "hospital within a hospital" on the fifth floor of Duke University Hospital. 

Thanks to the kind donations of The Lerner School (Durham, NC), we are now able to bring smiles to kids at Duke Children's Hospital too!  This morning our volunteer, Keren BenMoshe, was able to meet with Nicole who's the Child-life Specialist there and deliver her the fun bed-sheets.  


April 30, 2019

Cardinal Smiles

250 miles separate Indianapolis, IN and St. Louis, MO. With the kind help of our volunteer, Jama, we were able to bring smiles (and sheets!!!) to kids at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in town. With Sheets From Home, we hope to support the amazing work the staff there does and remind the families that we care, giving them the strength to continue fighting and getting back on their feet!

#GiveaSheet #SheetsFromHome #ChildhoodCancer 

April 10, 2019

Bringing smiles to UNC Children's Hospital

Tara is a nurse at UNC Children's Hospital helping kids who are fighting cancer. With the support of the Lerner School in Raleigh (NC), Tara will be able to make these kids day a little more comfortable covering their beds with fun, colorful bed sheets!

We would like to thank the Lerner School for their generous donation. The Lerner School provides students with a greenhouse for learning so they can build a foundation to excel - and it shows!

We would also like to send a special shout out to Keren Ben-Moshe who helped organize the sheets-raiser and deliver the smiles (: to UNC Children's Hospital!

#GiveaSheet #BringingSmiles #SheetsFromHome #LernerSchool #UNC#TarHeels #ChildhoodCancer

March 17, 2019

Happy Birthday!

Itay Geffen is celebrating a very special birthday today (50 years old!) and sharing the festivities with the kids at Beit Levinstien in Ranana, Israel - delivering a big donation of SHEETS FROM HOME!

To top it all off, today is also Purim, which literally means “lots". Purim is the most raucous holiday on the Jewish calendar. Observance of the holiday begins with dressing up in costume. Part of the holiday also includes giving gifts, called mishloch manoot. It is a kids favorite and we are so thankful that Itay was able to make it extra special for the the kiddos at the hospital!

Happy Birthday Itay!

You can read more about Purim here

#SheetsFromHome #GiveaSheet #BringingSmiles #HappyBirthday  #Purim

February 17, 2019

Adding smiles to Lutheran Children's Children's

At Lutheran Children's Hospital, expert pediatric medical care is provided for young patients experiencing an array of medical conditions. Nearly 70 pediatricians who practice in 20 different pediatric specialties provide care in an environment filled with imagination and color. The award-winning design of the tree house elevator, specially decorated rooms, hallways and waiting areas invite children and their families to focus on something other than the often unpleasant purpose of their visit.

This weekend, the Musson family took the lead and delivered sheets + lots of smiles to the kiddos there.With your help, Sheets From Home can, once again, be a part of Lutheran Children's efforts. Thank you! 

January 31, 2019

PA is a mighty sweet state and we are in it!

We are happy to announce that kids at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Hospital (PA) are sleeping on Sheets From Home too now!  Penn Medicine is a world-renowned academic medical center, which strive to improve the health and well-being of people through research, education, clinical care and community service.  

#BringingSmiles #GiveaSheet #SheetsFromHome #PA #PennMedicine

January 29, 2019

The Second City...

Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago is guided by the belief that all children need to grow up in a protective and nurturing environment... Their vision is inspired by the courage of children and families. It is sustained by the extraordinary contributions of compassionate, knowledgeable and dedicated staff and volunteers, and built from their tradition of providing unsurpassed health care for children dating back to 1882!

In 2018, Sheets From Home started a new tradition and brought smiles and a home-like feeling to kids who are fighting cancer there. It is our honor to continue this connection in 2019, delivering them another shipment of fun, colorful bed sheets earlier this week! 

#GiveaSheet #BringingSmiles @LurieChildrens #SheetsfromHome

January 25, 2019

First drop off for 2019!

Located in Worcester, UMass Memorial Medical Center is the only children’s hospital in Central Massachusetts. More than 200 medical and surgical experts in more than 30 specialties devote their expertise to the care of infants, children and adolescents - care that truly surrounds the family. 


SHEETS FROM HOME is excited to come back, once again, and bring smiles to the kids undergoing treatments in this hospital. Thanks to your ongoing support, we can continue following our mission and make their long journey to recovery a little more comfortable. Thank you!

 #HappyFriday #GiveaSheet #DropOff #2019 #SheetsFromHome #UMassMemorialCMC

January 10, 2019

Let's cut down the net with #SheetsFromHome!

Starting in January 2019, you'll be able to make a tax-deductible donation of $20 and predict the division 1 men's college basketball tournament in March. $20 donation, $10 will be passed directly onto the charity of your choice, $5 will be used to grow the national Price tool, and $5 will be used to pay credit card fees and administration costs. Brackets for good is seeding the national price pool with $10,000, which will be awarded to the top 10 Charities Name by our individual prediction winners, so submit is many bracket as you want.  Do the #Champs charity challenge and #GiveaSheet. Go to for your winning bracket!


... don't forget the share the fun!


#GiveaSheet, #SheetsFromHome, #ChampsCharityChallenge, #MarchMadness19, #ChildhoodCancer, #Cancer, #NCAA, #MarchMadness, @ncaawbb, @ESPN,  #BigDance, #bracketology, #brackets, #collegebball, #NCAAbrackets, #ncaatournament, #ncaatourney #buzzerbeater, #cbs, #cbssports, #cinderella #collegebasketball, #ncaabasketball, #ncaabball, #ncaahoops, 

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Sheets From Home Organization is a 501(c)(3) public charity, whose programs and services are funded entirely by private donations, foundation grants, and corporate contributions. IRS Tax ID 47-4545867.  All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.


Sheets From Home is a non-religious, non-political, not-for-profit entity. Further, Sheets From Home does not take positions or align itself with any special interests. Any event taking place as part of a religious, political or any other special interest group does not reflect the views or opinions of Sheets From Home.

It is Sheets From Home's mission to promote the well-being of children through its program by providing bed sheets. All events and fundraisers held on behalf of Sheets From Home should uphold and reflect the mission and desire to help children who are fighting cancer.


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